Proposal Development
The COLA research team assists with several types of outside funding. These include Grants, Fellowships, and Contracts, and other projects that require deliverables.
Pre-Award support starts when you join the university until your awarded funding account is set up! At that point, Post-Award takes over for spending!
Other projects may be supported by other offices and divisions around campus (University Advancement, Special Projects, etc.)—contact your Research Coordinator for help determining where to go!
For TXST reporting, all proposals for outside funding require:
Kuali Record including:
- Solicitation
- Statement of Work (SOW)
- Budget
- Budget justification
Other documents often required by funding organizations.
Other documents are often required by funding organizations.
These vary between funders, particular solicitations, can change year to year, and may depend on your specific project details. Contact your Research Coordinator for assistance and directions. Your RC can help determine which documents are required and help tailor them to your specific proposal. Examples include:
- Personnel Documents - Curriculum Vitae, Biographical Sketch, Affiliations, Descriptions of other and/or previous funding, etc.
- Institutional Documents – Institutional Facilities descriptions, Letters of Support, Indirect Cost Rate documentation, etc.
- Proposal requirements – Project Description, Summary, References Cited, Suggested Reviewers, Data Management, Dissemination Plans etc.
- Forms and documentation between collaborators
TXST uses Kuali to notify the Division of Research of all new proposals for outside funding and approve university routing.
All proposals require these documents in the Kuali record:
- Statement of Work
- Budget
- Budget Justification
TXST requires full proposals uploaded in Kuali for review before OSP routes the project for approval. (DO NOT SUBMIT FOR ROUTING, OSP MUST REVIEW FIRST)
For OSP proposal assistance, a Kuali record must exist
1) Log into Kuali and select the checkmark ‘Create Proposal’ 3rd icon down from the ‘Researcher’ tab at the top left of the screen.
2) Fill in project information on the first page. Click ‘save and continue’ at the bottom.
Use the magnifying glass to add personnel and Sponsor
For unknown or unlisted sponsors, enter 888888
Proposal Type is always NEW and Activity Type is always RESEARCH
3) Fill out ‘Basics,’ ‘Key Personnel,’ and ‘Questionnaire’ sections from the left menu. YOU ONLY NEED TO COMPLETE THESE SECTIONS. Other portions of the proposal are also editable (but not required) by faculty, including Compliance and Attachments. Click Save.
You’re done! Contact your RC if you run into any issues.