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Study of earth's landscapes, people, places, and environments

The Department of Geography and Environmental Studies at Texas State boasts the largest undergraduate geography program in the United States. The National Council for Geographic Education has honored many of our faculty with the Distinguished Teaching Achievement Award - the most renowned teaching award in the field.  In addition to the traditional coursework, Texas State's Geography Internship Program provides students with supervised, real-world work experiences directly related to their academic studies and career goals.

Texas State Geography offers field classes and study abroad programs in the Big Bend National Park, the southwestern United States, Europe, and Cuba, where students gain valuable firsthand geographical knowledge while receiving academic credit. Finally, Texas State Geography hosts numerous guest lecturers and symposia throughout the year and each spring brings together geography students - past and present - at two annual event:  the Alumni Reunion and Student Celebration at the end of April/early May, and the Texas Geography Students Research Symposium, usually held the week before the annual meeting of the American Association of Geographers.

Visit the Department of Geography and Environmental Studies for more information.